Award Winning Films

Award Winning Films

Many of our featured films have either been nominated for and /or have one awards at film festivals. Here are our best festival picks for you.

Award Winning Films
  • Endangered Migration - The Monarch Butterfly Story

    The annual monarch butterfly migration to Mexico is at risk, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has l. Together, local communities and World Wildlife Fund have made significant progress toward protecting monarch butterflies' habitat in the alpine forests that the butter...

  • Rattled

    The Orianne Society has determined one apex predator to be of vital importance to the Appalachian region, yet it is facing tremendous challenges towards its conservation. It is an animal that we have felt threatened by, and have demonized for centuries, compromising our own capacity for understan...

  • The Caretakers Ecoflix

    A journey into the weird, wonderful and truly astonishing lives of the small yet mighty creatures who keep the world turning – beetles.

    They have been successful for millions of years, yet today they’re in serious trouble; what does the future hold for these incredibly important animals, and for...

  • Free Billy

    Taken from the wild in Malaysia as a baby, Billy was transported to Los Angeles Zoo. There he was cruelly trained to do tricks to amuse the visitors.
    Thirty years later, having led a mostly solitary life in the zoo, Billy exhibits symptoms of mental and physical distress.
    This powerful film foll...

  • Karibu Nyumbani

    Photographer Matthew Williams-Ellis focuses on wildlife photography from the Maasai Mara in Kenya. 'One thing that really struck me during my time in the Maasai Mara was the immense pride, knowledge, and love for wildlife that all the guides have. The film aims to convey this passion, and has bee...

  • Return To Freedom 2 - Rebirth

    Return to Freedom rescues mustangs from US government holding pens and places them in sanctuaries across California. Now drought and over grazing is threatening their ranch- and they must find solutions which may also help wild horses on the range.
    Today in America, wild horses are in peril, as t...

  • Pepperwood: Rising From The Ashes

    Several widespread wildfires have occurred in the western United States in recent years, impacting many of our urban-wildland communities. At Pepperwood Preserve in Sonoma County, California, two major wildfires separated by only two years have burned through the landscape. How will this fire-ada...

  • Finding Solo

    Amongst the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur city lies Bukit Serdang, an isolated forest, home to one of our closest living relatives.
    Gibbons live in small family groups and mated pairs sing duets every morning in a coordinated fashion, but this isolated forest only has one song.
    With help fr...

  • Saving the Dancing Bears

    For over 400 years, in India, the rare Sloth Bear was targeted for human exploitation…first for the emperors, then as roadside entertainment for villagers and tourists who paid to watch the bears jump, conditioned after years of abuse by trainers.

    Given the ongoing legacy of cruelty, two indivi...

  • Guardian of the Sea Lions

    Guardian of the Sea Lions" is a film centred around Janet Ledingham, an 83 year-old woman who voluntarily collects data on sea lions, a nationally vulnerable species, for the New Zealand Sea Lion Trust. It is both informative and inspiring as we learn about Janet’s passion for sea lions and her r...

  • Longleaf Forever

    Longleaf Forever is a short documentary film that plunges viewers into one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet. Home to hundreds of rare plants and animals, longleaf pine forests once covered 90 million acres in the American South. Today, conservationists and land managers a...

  • Fishing Cat: The Pride of Bengal

    The fishing cat locally known as ‘Baghrol’ are endangered wild cats which are also the state animal of West Bengal.
    Found in the wetland terrains of eastern India, these nocturnal cats are carnivores predators, twice the size of a domestic cats, who mainly prey on fishes. Due to their likeness o...

  • Bread For Tomorrow

    Bread for Tomorrow is a short film about the Indigenous Wicungo community’s struggle to gain legal ownership of their ancestral territory in Peru and how Rainforest Trust’s partner, Center for the Development of an Indigenous Amazon, has helped them to reclaim the rights to their homes and liveli...

  • A Guardian

    What is the collective noun for a group of drones? A flock? A watch? A sentinel? A guardian as it turns out.
    ‘A Guardian’ is a glorious drone-shot film for charity Over & Above Africa, using collective nouns to romance the beauty of animal groups across Africa.
    But at the same time highlighting...

  • Remaking Wolf Connection

    Scientific evidence shows that wolves were our first teachers, an ancestral relationship borne out of community and survival. From Wolf Connection’s first days, they have witnessed this collaborative bond– the magic it catalyzes and lives it saves. They continue to distill these lessons from wolv...

  • The Last Stand

    THE LAST STAND examines the urgent race to save the world's last remaining ancient forests and stop global warming. This emotive documentary, using the flashpoint of British Columbia's "Battle for the Trees" at Fairy Creek, examines the importance of keeping intact forest ecosystems: in North Am...

  • Friends of Bonobos of the Congo

    An introduction to bonobos and the conservation mission of Friends of Bonobos of the Congo, an environmental nonprofit rooted in the belief that love heals and that through education and opportunity we can change the future for the better.
    Film by Leon Haberkorn, 2021 Winner of the Boden Internat...

  • Flying Barn Doors

    In a world where our climate hangs in the balance, can we learn to co-exist with predators once more?
    Flying Barn Doors examines our changing relationship with nature and wildlife through the story of the White Tailed Eagle in Scotland.
    Once revered among ancient cultures, the rise of agricultu...

  • The Voice of a River

    In 1979, Mark Dubois became a symbol of conservation and proof of how the power of resolve in one man can bring about change to our world when he was willing to sacrifice his life for the life of a river. The Voice of a River is the telling of this resolve 42 years later, after Mark made national...