
  • Grounded

    MPG Ranch Montana, USA, and the team head up a study and rehabilitation program for Golden Eagles. Specifically addressing their decline and the investigation into the lead in their blood.


  • Tamera (Spanish Subtitles)

    Southern Portugal like many biomes has a fairly fragile hydrological cycle, and the trend for many years has been for the land to become dryer. the Tamera community wondered whether this was a natural situation and if there was something that could be done to heal the land. (Please note that the...

  • KURT

    A tiny crustacean 'KURT" translated as Brine Shrimp, that makes flamingos pink, is kept in novelty aquariums as a sea monkey and is a major component of the growing global aquaculture industry. It is now one of the only living creatures left in the Aral sea.

  • Earth Man. Altai (English Subs)

    Earth Man. Altai - Mitya Fomin and Elena Letuchaya went to one of the most unusual and remote corners of Russia - Gorny Altai, to learn firsthand what it is like to work to preserve one of the rarest cats on the planet - the snow leopard.

  • High Plains Wild

    Rising from the plains are massive buttes. lies a world of short-grass prairies, pine woodlands, and mountain mahogany shrubland. On top of these massive buttes lives a rare species of big-horned sheep, Once wiped out, this species is now thriving in this rich landscape.

  • Homes For Hoppers

    Eleanor is a 'big-bug' enthusiast and a PhD graduate who provides a personal account of her love for insects, and in particular her journey to re-introduce the Large Marsh grasshopper, back into the wild in the UK.

  • Children's Pool

    A documentary short exploring the controversy around community efforts to protect the seal pups who have made a home at the Children’s Pool, a public beach area in San Diego.

  • Beavers without Borders

    Beavers used to be an integral part of the UK landscape but they were pushed to extinction over 400 years ago, hunted for their meat, oils and fur. With the loss of this species came the loss of balance and ultimately a less resilient environment. Restoring beavers helps with UK climate change an...

  • Toki Tales

    Thirty years ago the toki, also known as the iconic crested ibis, became extinct in the wild in Japan. Dedicated scientists have since, with some difficulty, managed to breed the last remaining birds in captivity and to return their off-spring to the wild

  • Giants Among Us

    The Sturgeon - a creature of legend, hidden in the depths western Canada's Fraser River - a ghost in the water, a giant among us

  • Australian Penguins

    A small colony of 'Little Penguins' live on Penguin Island off the coast Perth, Western Australia.
    The island has a Discovery Centre which treats and houses penguins that have been injured, orphaned or abandoned, usually as chicks

  • The Chalgrove Brook

    The Chalgrove Brook is a chalk stream that rises in the Chiltern Hills and flows through the Oxfordshire countryside providing an important ecosystem for local wildlife - but the stream is now under threat

  • High Water Common Ground

    As severe floods become more common communities and researchers around Britain are exploring ways to work with rather than against nature to manage flood waters

  • The Evolution of Madagascar

    Explores the island's remarkable ecosystems, how they came to be and how they are today. The forest may have all but disappeared, but the will to save what is left grows stronger by the day

  • Exploring the Pacific Northwest

    This film journeys through the natural environments of North America's Pacific Northwest - from volcanic mountain ranges, to coastal shorelines, open drylands and more. Within these diverse ecosystems, a variety of species have helped shape and maintain their own habitats. The natural environment...