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Ecoflix Podcast with Ian Redmond OBE

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Ecoflix Podcast with James Sawyer

Ecoflix Podcast • 58m
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Ecoflix Podcast with Ian Redmond OBE

Our Founder and CEO of Ecoflix, launch our first ever Podcast with our very own Head of Conservation Ian Redmond about his incredible career in conservation with some brilliant stories about the legendary Sir David Attenborough.

Ecoflix Podcast with Christopher Lloyd

Ecoflix CEO David Casselman speaks with children's author and publisher Christopher Lloyd. Ecoflix recently collaborated with Christopher to animate his book 'It’s Up To Us'. The book is based is based on the Terra Carta, a roadmap to sustainability issued by His Royal Highness The Prince Charle...

Ecoflix Podcast with Ugo Mozie

David Casselman, Founder and CEO of Ecoflix interviews Ugo Mozie who shares his love for animals, his success working with celebrities, faux fur, leather alternatives, the importance of education so consumers make informed decisions and his work with his NGO in Nigeria which uses sustainable mate...