Geography: Year 10-11

Geography: Year 10-11

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Geography: Year 10-11
  • Sir David Attenborough

    Sir David Attenborough - Naturalist & Broadcaster

  • Joe Biden - US President

    Joe Biden - national statements

  • A Threatening Presence

    How do humans live in harmony with the titanic power of volcanism? What are the benefits and cultural impacts? How does volcanism enhance our daily lives? How can we mitigate the risks?
    And what is the current state of volcanology science?

  • A Violent Past

    We travel back in time to before Zealandia drifted away from Gondwana and learn what New Zealand looked like when massive volcanic eruptions were occurring. We discover what caused these events and how they influenced the formation of New Zealand as it is today

  • Belo Monte: After the Flood

    A gripping account of the Belo Monte dam and how a trial was made possible following extensive flooding of the dam's main reservoir. The culture and lives of the indigenous population are changed forever, with no return. Whilst engineers at Norte Energia celebrated the test as a success.

  • High Water Common Ground

    As severe floods become more common communities and researchers around Britain are exploring ways to work with rather than against nature to manage flood waters

  • Beavers without Borders

    Beavers used to be an integral part of the UK landscape but they were pushed to extinction over 400 years ago, hunted for their meat, oils and fur. With the loss of this species came the loss of balance and ultimately a less resilient environment. Restoring beavers helps with UK climate change an...

  • The Last Stand

    THE LAST STAND examines the urgent race to save the world's last remaining ancient forests and stop global warming. This emotive documentary, using the flashpoint of British Columbia's "Battle for the Trees" at Fairy Creek, examines the importance of keeping intact forest ecosystems: in North Am...