Humans And Nature WCFF2023

Humans And Nature WCFF2023

Humans And Nature WCFF2023
  • Guardian of the Sea Lions

    Guardian of the Sea Lions" is a film centred around Janet Ledingham, an 83 year-old woman who voluntarily collects data on sea lions, a nationally vulnerable species, for the New Zealand Sea Lion Trust. It is both informative and inspiring as we learn about Janet’s passion for sea lions and her r...

  • Saving the Dancing Bears

    For over 400 years, in India, the rare Sloth Bear was targeted for human exploitation…first for the emperors, then as roadside entertainment for villagers and tourists who paid to watch the bears jump, conditioned after years of abuse by trainers.

    Given the ongoing legacy of cruelty, two indivi...

  • Longleaf Forever

    Longleaf Forever is a short documentary film that plunges viewers into one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet. Home to hundreds of rare plants and animals, longleaf pine forests once covered 90 million acres in the American South. Today, conservationists and land managers a...

  • Leopard Rescue

    This Ecoflix Original explores how leopards are rescued in India. The leopard is one of the most mysterious and elusive of the big cats, The felines are increasingly coming into contact with humans. These encounters include leopards falling into deep open wells, getting caught in traps and locked...

  • Black Skimmers Under Our Wing

    Every summer, shorebirds known as Black Skimmers join together in the hundreds to form a nesting colony on the barrier islands lining Tampa Bay. They use their distinctive black and orange beaks and impressive flying abilities to skim the shallow water for small fish.
    A young male skimmer wanders...

  • Faces of the Cloud Forest

    In Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Southwestern Uganda, growing conflict with people puts the local population of Mountain Gorillas at risk.
    In her struggle to protect them, one veterinarian discovers that the similarities between the two communities threatening to destroy them both.
    Director: Hugh...

  • Elephants Out Of Captivity

    WARNING- this feature contains images of animal suffering some viewers may find distressing.
    This film shares a brief history of elephants, explains how they suffer in captivity, explores the work that FACE (Free All Captive Elephants) and other organizations do in the fight to give captive elep...

  • Belonging

    In 2012, the largest spawning aggregation of squaretail groupers was discovered in the waters of the tiny island of Bitra, in the Lakshadweep archipelago, India. This opened up an important dialogue about marine conservation in India.
    Local fishermen and the local governing council decided to pr...

  • The Bear Coast

    A group of passionate Alaskans describe the importance of protecting the Alaska Peninsula's pristine wilderness for the wildlife and people who depend on its unparalleled natural resources. Alaska's wild brown bears—and the salmon they feed upon—face many threats, including mining (such as the Pe...

  • Finding Solo

    Amongst the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur city lies Bukit Serdang, an isolated forest, home to one of our closest living relatives.
    Gibbons live in small family groups and mated pairs sing duets every morning in a coordinated fashion, but this isolated forest only has one song.
    With help fr...

  • Ocean Guardians

    Ocean Guardians, recounts the journey of humpback whales as they migrate between Alaska and Hawai‘i while illuminating PWF’s ongoing work to save the species and restore the delicate balance between humankind and marine life. Shot on location in Alaska and Maui, with additional visual support pro...

  • Fishing Cat: The Pride of Bengal

    The fishing cat locally known as ‘Baghrol’ are endangered wild cats which are also the state animal of West Bengal.
    Found in the wetland terrains of eastern India, these nocturnal cats are carnivores predators, twice the size of a domestic cats, who mainly prey on fishes. Due to their likeness o...

  • When The Ocean Turns Black

    When the news about the oil spill off the shores of Peru, film maker Ran Levy-Yamamori decided to pack his gear and travel to document the effect of the spill on the wildlife.
    However, the moment he stepped on Ancon beach and met with the amazing local fishermen, he felt how his mind was changing...

  • Violet - A Polar Bear Story

    Two female explorers track the progress of a young mother polar bear in Norway.
    When the pandemic shut down the world in 2020, two female explorers were camping in a remote hut in Svalbard, Norway, with plans to overwinter in one of the challenging locations on Earth.
    From their isolated base ca...

  • Searching For Sea Turtles In Grenada

    On the 12 square mile island of Carriacou, Grenada a team of scientists, fishermen and a wildlife veternarian assemble. They're here to conduct the first ever in-water survey of hard-shelled sea turtle around the island. With no prior data to go off of, they only have the local knowledge of beach...

  • Rewilding The Riverbank

    Nature is in crisis, with many issues striking closer to home than we might think. 45% of British mammals are now deemed at risk, a quarter threatened with extinction. One of our rarest native species, the water vole, was once a riverbank regular but today it’s the UK’s fastest declining mammal.

  • Pheasants Of Detroit

    A little human-Pheasant subculture has developed in the city - pheasants are neighbours to human residents and muses to local artists - and pheasants have become the unofficial city bird of Detroit! Join everyday Detroiters in a walk around the city as we celebrate these funky birds at home in th...

  • Mussel Grubbing

    Following a citizen scientist's journey of discovery, the film explores the treasure hunt for finding freshwater mussels in the upper Sangamon River. Everyday people in Illinois are supporting science in ways that are important to the well-being of their local environment. Finding a diverse colle...