The Tom Mustill Collection

The Tom Mustill Collection

Tom Mustill is an award winning film-maker of wildlife and science films - his focus is on issues and events arising from the intersection of humankind and the natural world

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The Tom Mustill Collection
  • Recreate, Restore, Reimagine

    A powerful call to arms - the poem reminds us that we only have one Earth and we must protect her. The poem ties into the Decade of Restoration, a United Nations initiative that will launch on #WorldEnvironmentDay, to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide

    Director: T...

  • #NatureNow

    There is a natural solution to the climate breakdown: protecting forests. Climate activist Greta Thunberg and writer & climate activist George Monbiot explain

    Director: Tom Mustill

  • Thank You, Sea

    Our love letter to the sea - made from received stories and footage - the film recognises and celebrates everything the sea means to us - from moments of awe and wonder to times of reflection and comfort.
    The sea, the big blue, the ocean - it's part of us and we need to protect it.

    Director: To...

  • For Nature

    A film made for Greta Thunberg for International Biodiversity Day.

    ​It’s a challenging and complex subject and a hard one to distill.
    How do you allow people to make up their own minds and not turn away?
    How do you show this stuff visually?

    Tom Mustill

  • #ImagineFor1Minute

    #ImagineFor1Minute what a better future looks like

    Is it a world where we respect and honour nature?
    Where no more species go extinct because of humanity’s impact on the planet?
    Where leaders prioritise nature and the health of our planet?

    We have a responsibility to do better.
    Now is the time...