Coming Soon: Return To Freedom 2 - Rebirth
1m 9s
Return to Freedom rescues mustangs from US government holding pens and places them in sanctuaries across California. Now drought and over grazing is threatening their ranch- and they must find solutions which may also help wild horses on the range.
Today in America, wild horses are in peril, as they are rounded up by government agencies and placed in holding pens. Return to Freedom is here to help. Founder Neda De Mayo calls for safe fertility programs in the wild and for those already caged, removing them to natural environments such as their Return to Freedom sanctuaries across California. In Part 2 of the story- Neda’s ranch has become a dustbowl and she reaches out to an ecologist and scientist to help her. The innovative solutions they find for restoring rich grass to the sanctuary, has wider implications out on the range where mustangs must compete with cattle for forage and water.