It's Your Planet Too - Ep5: Zero Waste
6m 32s
Food Waste and the Waste Stream - How We Can Achieve Zero Waste
Today at HOPE Headquarters, we’re talking about the waste stream, and a
concept called zero waste. You know, many of us use stuff at home and at
school, and then throw away whatever’s left that we don’t need. Some of it
may go in the recycling, and some of it may go in the regular garbage. All of it together creates what we call the waste stream.
You’re probably already familiar with the waste stream inside your own
home and school, and you probably already know that you can recycle some things like paper and cardboard, curtain plastics and metal. Your community might already have a recycling program in place.
But what you may not know is that there’s one thing just about everyone
throws away that (A) probably doesn’t need to be thrown away, and (B) ruins all the other garbage so that we can’t recycle it even if we want to. Can you guess what it is? Spoiler alert: It’s food.