Feast Of The Killer Whales
Feature Documentaries
Killer Whales are faced with competition from Humpback Whales in Norway during perhaps the largest known gathering of marine mammals in the world; hundreds of killer whales in pursuit of shoals of herring.
These killer whales are faced with unexpected competition from humpback whales, who began appearing in this Arctic region only a few years ago, driven by a lack of food resources in the Atlantic Ocean, their natural habitat. In the midst of this changing ecosystem, we journey to the heart of the Norwegian fjords, where film maker Didier Noirot’s aim is to take us as close as we can get to these giants of the Arctic so we can witness first-hand their new behaviour and hunting activity, which has never been captured on film before.
Dir. Didier Noirot & Alexis Barbier-Bouvet
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Bread For Tomorrow
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