"The Weight of a Feather” explores the triumphs and challenges of wildlife rehabilitation, the history of conservation, and the deep significance of feathers to Native American cultural identity. This story is told through the lens of Liberty Wildlife, a wildlife rehabilitation, education, and co...
An intriguing story told in Kenya about Elephants that returned to a land where their predecessors once walked after an absence of over 20 years. A celebration about restoring a habitat to save the last open spaces for Elephants to roam about freely and tracing back the routes to their ancestral ...
Viewer Discretion Advised: For decades, Norwegian whalers have evaded the scrutiny levelled at other commercial whale hunts in Iceland and Japan.
ESPA Investigative Journalist, Peter, has long admired the minke whales that pass by his home in Yorkshire, UK, every year. When he learns that the sa...
Since the 1980s, Ian Redmond has been researching an unusual and endangered elephant population in the Mount Elgon area.
This population, of which the matriarch Kali is a member, consists of savannah elephants that have adapted to living in the mountain forests. They are now isolated after human...
Amongst the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur city lies Bukit Serdang, an isolated forest, home to one of our closest living relatives.
Gibbons live in small family groups and mated pairs sing duets every morning in a coordinated fashion, but this isolated forest only has one song.
With help fr...
In Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Southwestern Uganda, growing conflict with people puts the local population of Mountain Gorillas at risk.
In her struggle to protect them, one veterinarian discovers that the similarities between the two communities threatening to destroy them both.
Director: Hugh...
Several widespread wildfires have occurred in the western United States in recent years, impacting many of our urban-wildland communities. At Pepperwood Preserve in Sonoma County, California, two major wildfires separated by only two years have burned through the landscape. How will this fire-ada...
Narrated by Actor Beau Bridges, Wildlife on the Edge celebrates diverse wildlife such as Mountain Lions, Bears and Bobcats that live in the mountains around Los Angeles. The film examines the many deadly hazards they must face living close to one of the world's major cities.
We learn that one c...
Ocean Guardians, recounts the journey of humpback whales as they migrate between Alaska and Hawai‘i while illuminating PWF’s ongoing work to save the species and restore the delicate balance between humankind and marine life. Shot on location in Alaska and Maui, with additional visual support pro...
Killer Whales are faced with competition from Humpback Whales in Norway during perhaps the largest known gathering of marine mammals in the world; hundreds of killer whales in pursuit of shoals of herring.
These killer whales are faced with unexpected competition from humpback whales, who began ...
THE LAST STAND examines the urgent race to save the world's last remaining ancient forests and stop global warming. This emotive documentary, using the flashpoint of British Columbia's "Battle for the Trees" at Fairy Creek, examines the importance of keeping intact forest ecosystems: in North Am...
Bread for Tomorrow is a short film about the Indigenous Wicungo community’s struggle to gain legal ownership of their ancestral territory in Peru and how Rainforest Trust’s partner, Center for the Development of an Indigenous Amazon, has helped them to reclaim the rights to their homes and liveli...
Taken from the wild in Malaysia as a baby, Billy was transported to Los Angeles Zoo. There he was cruelly trained to do tricks to amuse the visitors.
Thirty years later, having led a mostly solitary life in the zoo, Billy exhibits symptoms of mental and physical distress.
This powerful film foll...
When the news about the oil spill off the shores of Peru, film maker Ran Levy-Yamamori decided to pack his gear and travel to document the effect of the spill on the wildlife.
However, the moment he stepped on Ancon beach and met with the amazing local fishermen, he felt how his mind was changing...
Dolma and Chodon live with their families in the high Himalayan village of Kibber India a population of roughly 450 people. Their families depend on their livestock to survive. What concerns them is when their animals fall prey to the stealthy preditor, the snow leopard. Retaliatory killing is th...
Wildlife SOS is an NGO, that rescues wildlife across India. In Saving Elephants, we see how this team of experts reduces human-animal conflict by creating a unique elephant collaring and tracking program to alert communities about potentially destructive wild herds in their area. We also see th...
Wolf Connection is a wolf rescue centre located close to Los Angeles Wolves and wolf-hybrids are saved from fur farms, roadside zoos and private owners and housed safely here.
The centre is the brainchild of former solider and counselor Teo Alfero- who has long believed in the healing power of ...
In a world from ancient times, wild brown bears have coexisted with humans for 6000 years in the mountains of Italy. Bear expert Chris Morgan travels to meet conservationists & locals on the frontline with one of the world’s rarest bears.
Scientific evidence shows that wolves were our first teachers, an ancestral relationship borne out of community and survival. From Wolf Connection’s first days, they have witnessed this collaborative bond– the magic it catalyzes and lives it saves. They continue to distill these lessons from wolv...
The continental plate of North America is drifting west at a speed of one inch per year. Although that doesn't sound like much, it's actually incredibly fast in geological terms. All of this activity gives California's coast a unique and rugged character. Few mammals are capable of making their h...
When the fishermen of Ras Fumba on Zanzibar Island discovered that their catch was rapidly decreasing they took action. Outsiders were ruining the marine environment by overfishing and the use of poisons and dynamite. With the help of the local government and international NGOs, they set up pat...
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys to India to film the epic work of the Paani Foundation’s Water Cup Competition. We tour the village of Garavadi, in Maharashtra, who competed in the 2019 competition to install the most amount of water harvesting structures in a 45 day period. Guid...
Part 2 of Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison's journeys to India to film the epic work of the Paani Foundation’s Water Cup Competition. We tour the village of Garavadi, in Maharashtra, who competed in the 2019 competition to install the most amount of water harvesting structures in a 45 day ...