15:34Episode 1
Borneo Ocean Diaries - episode 07
Episode 1
Alex and scientist KC take a walk around the fish market in Sandakan where they come across baby sharks and stingrays for sale.
KC explains the importance of sharks to a healthy marine ecosystem and how her research could improve the sustainability of the fishing industry and save sharks and rays. -
12:43Episode 2
Borneo Ocean Diaries - episode 08
Episode 2
Alex and the MRF team dive below the waves to collect debris and marvel at the incredible marine life that lives in the reefs
It's Your Planet Too - Ep1: Tipping Point
Episode 3
What Can Kids Do About Climate Change? - Mission: Tipping Point - The term “tipping point” is used in science to describe some sort of “point of no return”, or the moment at which some event becomes unstoppable.
In physics, we might have some kind of object just sitting there, perfectly
balanced.... -
It's Your Planet Too - Ep2: Solar Batteries
Episode 4
Solar Batteries for Kids - Next Generation. You may be used to seeing solar panels on the roofs of building and houses. And maybe you’ve seen some solar farms near where you live. The technology behind solar panels has been available since before you were born. But what you may not know is that t...
It's Your Planet Too - Ep3: Solar Culture
Episode 5
Solar Culture - Think Outside the Box
About Solar
You might already know that a solar farm is a piece of land where we set up a huge number of solar panels to generate electricity from the Sun’s energy.
You may have seen these farms in pictures or videos, or maybe you have
some near where you liv... -
It's Your Planet Too - Ep4: Fuel from Trash
Episode 6
What Happens to Your Garbage? Making, fuel From Trash Using Hyper-Speed and Composting. You probably know that we humans make a lot of garbage. We use stuff and we throw it away, everyday. You may also know that we use a lot of fuel, especially fossil fuels like coal to create electricity for our...
06:32Episode 7
It's Your Planet Too - Ep5: Zero Waste
Episode 7
Food Waste and the Waste Stream - How We Can Achieve Zero Waste
Today at HOPE Headquarters, we’re talking about the waste stream, and a
concept called zero waste. You know, many of us use stuff at home and at
school, and then throw away whatever’s left that we don’t need. Some of it
may go in the... -
28:50Episode 8
Planet Bonehead - Episode 3: H-2-Oh No!
Episode 8
JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies have designed an amazing water filtration system that would allow everyone on Earth to have pure, clean drinking water. In true Rothbone fashion though, JP sets off to pollute ALL the Earth's water so that everyone would need his filter. While searching for J...
Planet Bonehead - Episode 4: Race for Renewable Energy
Episode 9
And they’re off! The Race for Renewable Energy is underway as Bonehead and a gang of racers compete in the “Cannonbone Run” - each using a different renewable fuel source: electric, wind, biodiesel, solar. JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies have their own plans however. JP will stop at nothing...
Planet Bonehead - Episode 5: Mission: Recyclable
Episode 10
Bonehead’s mountain climbing vacation is cut short after a mole in JP Rothbone’s organization informs HOPE Headquarters of his next nefarious plot. It seems revenues at JP’s landfill are down ever since the local recycling center opened next door. People are recycling all their paper, plastic, me...
Planet Bonehead - Episode 7: Back to the Gator
Episode 11
Accidentally thrown back in time to the 1950's using Pa's time machine, the Boneheads meet a young Pa Fossil and J.P. Rothbone, the school bully. As J.P. and his sniveling cronies' new business--alligator skin products: jackets, shoes, and "stuff like that" scales up, the future Bonehead has look...