Geography: Year 1-3

Geography: Year 1-3

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Geography: Year 1-3
  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 7: Back to the Gator

    Accidentally thrown back in time to the 1950's using Pa's time machine, the Boneheads meet a young Pa Fossil and J.P. Rothbone, the school bully. As J.P. and his sniveling cronies' new business--alligator skin products: jackets, shoes, and "stuff like that" scales up, the future Bonehead has look...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 9: The Unbuggables

    JP Rothbone and his cronies have gone too far this time. They've created an infestation of bugs in order to boost sales of their new Bug-B-Gone pesticide products. But the pesticide doesn't stop at exterminating harmful bugs and pests. It also kills beneficial insects, plants and small animals. B...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 10 - Holy Bat Swarm!

    The Boneheads have gathered at the haunted Bone Manor to go trick or treating. But first they have to stop JP Rothbone & his Sniveling Cronies in their latest diabolical scheme: they want to exterminate the bats! Deep below the mansion, in the hidden bat cave, JP and his cronies have created a ma...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 2: Raiders of the Lost Hive

    JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies have decided to capitalize on the mysterious disappearance of honey bees by selling their newest product, the Pollinator - a poor substitute for the work honey bees do to pollinate one-third of the food we eat everyday. The Boneheads know it's best to do all ...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 11: It's a Wonderful Christmas Story Bonehead

    The Boneheads are in the North Pole at Santa's Workshop, frantically trying to halt the latest devious scheme of their arch nemesis, JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies. JP's new sinister machine, the Heat Miser, is heating up the Arctic, causing the polar ice caps to melt. The melted ice is tu...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 8: Pirates of the Coral Reef

    While sailing the high seas, marveling at the incredibly biodiverse and beautiful coral reefs, Captain Bonehead and his trusty crew stumble upon JP Rothbone's fishing fleet. Equipped with oversized trawling nets, Rothbone is illegally over-fishing the reefs. Not only is this catastrophic for the ...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 1: Saving the Sea Turtles

    Combining a cartoon adventure with live-action documentary footage, this production attempts to educate children about sea turtles and the threats to their environment. Episode one is about an evil dog who wants to dump thousands of plastic shopping bags into the ocean. The Boneheads are the good...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 4: Race for Renewable Energy

    And they’re off! The Race for Renewable Energy is underway as Bonehead and a gang of racers compete in the “Cannonbone Run” - each using a different renewable fuel source: electric, wind, biodiesel, solar. JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies have their own plans however. JP will stop at nothing...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 3: H-2-Oh No!

    JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies have designed an amazing water filtration system that would allow everyone on Earth to have pure, clean drinking water. In true Rothbone fashion though, JP sets off to pollute ALL the Earth's water so that everyone would need his filter. While searching for J...

  • Planet Bonehead - Episode 5: Mission: Recyclable

    Bonehead’s mountain climbing vacation is cut short after a mole in JP Rothbone’s organization informs HOPE Headquarters of his next nefarious plot. It seems revenues at JP’s landfill are down ever since the local recycling center opened next door. People are recycling all their paper, plastic, me...

  • Save Your Planet - Water pollution

    Water is vital for life, don't put profit over life. Give water a chance,

  • Save Your Planet - Pesticides

    Overuse of pesticides pollutes food, air, water, soil, and living creatures. Give crops a chance.

  • Save Your Planet - Rise of sea level

    Our actions can accelerate or reverse the global warming effect. Give coastal areas a chance.

  • Save Your Planet - Forest fires

    An animation about the impacts on the land when forests are removed or burned down

  • Save Your Planet - Save the fish

  • Save Your Planet - Save the trees

  • Natural World Facts - The Secret Life of Rock Pools

    As the tide recedes along the shores, it uncovers a truly alien world of rock pools. At first look, the landscape presents little more than a barren, lifeless stretch of thick mud and rotting seaweed, but it’s a unique habitat that’s fun for all the family to enjoy.

  • Going Wild with John & James Episode 1

    John and James have a scary stand-off with a young bull elephant - and a magical encounter with a lioness and her cubs

  • Going Wild with John & James Episode 2

    Join John & James as they get a spectacular view of the Okavango Delta by helicopter - including a rare sighting of a leopard kill from the air

  • Going Wild with John & James Episode 3

    The engaging duo set up a luxury mobile safari camp before welcoming their first guests of the season. Among memorable encounters are threatening hippos, a huge herd of zebra and several baby giraffes.

  • Going Wild with John & James Episode 4

    John and James head out into the Delta on a photographic mission, gathering images to help promote their safaris. Encounters with hippos, elephants and giraffes make for some stunning photos.

  • Going Wild with John & James Episode 5

    John and James have seen many amazing sights living and working in Botswana's wildlife paradise, but an unprecedented encounter leaves them awestruck, counting their good fortune.

  • Borneo Jungle Diaries - series 2, episode 07

    Alex joins scientists Miriam Kunde and Wong Siew Te as they perform a health check on one of Borneo's least studied animals - the Sun Bear

  • Borneo Jungle Diaries - series 2, episode 06

    Alex joins zoologist Syasya Jee as she sets out to find and research the feeding habits of Borneo's largest animal - the elephant