
  • Belonging

    In 2012, the largest spawning aggregation of squaretail groupers was discovered in the waters of the tiny island of Bitra, in the Lakshadweep archipelago, India. This opened up an important dialogue about marine conservation in India.
    Local fishermen and the local governing council decided to pr...

  • Heart Of The Sea

    In "Heart of the Sea," Bermudian scientists, poets, and political leaders take us on a journey through the mysteries and wonders of Bermuda's oceans and the threats they face due to climate change.

    The film bridges past and present, delving into the island’s underwater shipwrecks, now teeming w...

  • Secrets Of The Basking Shark

    Beneath the waves lies another world, one of strange beauty and deep secrets. Dr Tasha Philips explore a mysterious, endangered creature that despite reaching 12m in length, usually swims by the UK shores unnoticed, the basking shark.

    Travelling with the sharks on their northerly migration, form...

  • Guardian of the Sea Lions

    Guardian of the Sea Lions" is a film centred around Janet Ledingham, an 83 year-old woman who voluntarily collects data on sea lions, a nationally vulnerable species, for the New Zealand Sea Lion Trust. It is both informative and inspiring as we learn about Janet’s passion for sea lions and her r...

  • Searching For Sea Turtles In Grenada

    On the 12 square mile island of Carriacou, Grenada a team of scientists, fishermen and a wildlife veternarian assemble. They're here to conduct the first ever in-water survey of hard-shelled sea turtle around the island. With no prior data to go off of, they only have the local knowledge of beach...

  • Ocean Guardians

    Ocean Guardians, recounts the journey of humpback whales as they migrate between Alaska and Hawai‘i while illuminating PWF’s ongoing work to save the species and restore the delicate balance between humankind and marine life. Shot on location in Alaska and Maui, with additional visual support pro...

  • Zanzibar Saves Its Seas

    When the fishermen of Ras Fumba on Zanzibar Island discovered that their catch was rapidly decreasing they took action. Outsiders were ruining the marine environment by overfishing and the use of poisons and dynamite. With the help of the local government and international NGOs, they set up pat...

  • When The Ocean Turns Black

    When the news about the oil spill off the shores of Peru, film maker Ran Levy-Yamamori decided to pack his gear and travel to document the effect of the spill on the wildlife.
    However, the moment he stepped on Ancon beach and met with the amazing local fishermen, he felt how his mind was changing...

  • Replanting Mangroves

    Mangroves are one of the most effective natural carbon sinks on earth, storing up to four times more carbon per hectare than rainforests. They are also rich in biodiversity and mitigate some of the most catastrophic local effects of climate change; particularly flooding and coastal erosion. Despi...


    The continental plate of North America is drifting west at a speed of one inch per year. Although that doesn't sound like much, it's actually incredibly fast in geological terms. All of this activity gives California's coast a unique and rugged character. Few mammals are capable of making their h...

  • Ecstasies and Heartbreak on California's Coast

    The continental plate of North America is drifting west at a speed of one inch per year. Although that doesn't sound like much, it's actually incredibly fast in geological terms. All of this activity gives California's coast a unique and rugged character. Few mammals are capable of making their h...

  • UOCEAN® 2050

    UOCEAN® 2050 is a pioneering, BAME led practical and non-profit charitable grass root solution that has an initial mission to stop ocean plastics globally.

    We have an initial mission working with volunteers, businesses, communities, governments, schools, universities and corporate entities in ov...

  • Oceans Of Value

    Oceans of Values, commissioned by The Scottish Wildlife Trust, interviews 26 local people in Orkney about how they have seen the marine environment change and how they would like to see it managed in the future.
    It shares the magical and insightful story of Orkney’s marine environment and forms p...

  • Borneo Ocean Diaries

    8 items

    Join Alex Alexander as she explores the rich waters around her native island - Borneo

  • Thank You, Sea

    Our love letter to the sea - made from received stories and footage - the film recognises and celebrates everything the sea means to us - from moments of awe and wonder to times of reflection and comfort.
    The sea, the big blue, the ocean - it's part of us and we need to protect it.

    Director: To...

  • The Whale Sanctuary Project

    The Whale Sanctuary Project works to bring an end to the commercial exploitation of whales and dolphins in captivity and to relocate the mammals to coastal sanctuaries

  • KURT

    A tiny crustacean 'KURT" translated as Brine Shrimp, that makes flamingos pink, is kept in novelty aquariums as a sea monkey and is a major component of the growing global aquaculture industry. It is now one of the only living creatures left in the Aral sea.