What's New?

  • Emergence

    Emergence is a short documentary featuring Tsavo National Parks incredible super tuskers and the remarkable humans preserving these iconic elephants. Super Tuskers are elephants whose tusks are so large they touch the ground; each tusk weighs well over 100 lbs. There is a genetic variation that i...

  • Saving The Last Tuskers

    Imagine a planet without Elephants? They are the gardeners of the ecosystem. Tsavo, Kenya is an ecosystem in itself, the park covers 22,000 square kilometers. and if the mega herbivore was not there, then there it would get covered in wooded vegetation very quickly. This allows other animal speci...

  • Solitude

    A film about the lives of three animals living on the same reserve, and how their lives are all connected through solitude. Filmed in Africa. Directed by Aman Narula

  • Karibu Nyumbani

    Photographer Matthew Williams-Ellis focuses on wildlife photography from the Maasai Mara in Kenya. 'One thing that really struck me during my time in the Maasai Mara was the immense pride, knowledge, and love for wildlife that all the guides have. The film aims to convey this passion, and has bee...

  • Elephants Out Of Captivity

    WARNING- this feature contains images of animal suffering some viewers may find distressing.
    This film shares a brief history of elephants, explains how they suffer in captivity, explores the work that FACE (Free All Captive Elephants) and other organizations do in the fight to give captive elep...

  • Saving Elephants

    Wildlife SOS is an NGO, that rescues wildlife across India. In Saving Elephants, we see how this team of experts reduces human-animal conflict by creating a unique elephant collaring and tracking program to alert communities about potentially destructive wild herds in their area. We also see th...

  • Ecoflix Podcast with Carl Safina

    Carl Safina - Ecologist and author focused on human relationships with the natural world "we are a series of dilemmas inside a bunch of problems". Listen to this fascinating podcast which discusses Carl's early inspiration, his love of birds, his Covid era book on an owl named Alfie and so much m...

  • Ecoflix Podcast with Andrea Crosta

    With over 30 years of experience in conservation, wildlife protection, environmental/wildlife crime investigations, management of nonprofit organisations, Andrea Crosta also has a broad cross-functional expertise in researching and investigating Environmental Crime Convergence including money lau...

  • Kiss The Ground: The Possibilities of Regeneration

    The film explores the origins of regenerative agriculture, offering a story that is both new and ancient in its roots.
    Co-written and narrated by Lyla June Johnston, an Indigenous public speaker, artist, scholar, and community organiser, the film takes a holistic approach to regenerative steward...

  • Windshipped

    The original purpose of the Schooner Apollonia, a 64-foot, steel-hulled sailboat built in the 1940s was to carry and deliver up to 20,000 pounds of cargo by sail.
    Their team of ambitious, young adventurers, led by Captain Sam Merrett, have been working steadily to restore the dilapidated hull, o...

  • A New ReGeneration: Carrie Richards

    When Carrie Richards was growing up, she always had a feeling she'd end up taking over the ranch that her family had owned and operated since 1941.
    What she didn't expect was to do so in her 30s, with a husband and two kids in tow, and to radically change the way her family had managed their lan...

  • Those In Grass Houses

    Those in Grass Houses explores the complex and fascinating lives of one of Africa’s most compelling bird species – the Sociable Weaver.
    Their nests, the largest in the world, envelop the acacia trees they hang from in the arid savannah of Southern Africa.
    The nests are home to hundreds of indiv...

  • Sink Or Swim: Learning The Crawl In The Maldives

    For two weeks One Ocean Media Foundation helped organize, and film, a unique learn-to-swim project on the remote Maldivian island of Eydafushi.
    Despite living just a couple feet above sea level, many of the locals here never learn to swim the goal was to get mothers and their children more confi...

  • 47 Million Bees

    '47 Million Bees' is the story of biologist Paola Vecino and her work to preserve the native Iberian honey bee in Spain. Paola has spent her life studying and working with bees and now heads up the 'Smart Green Bees' project.
    Collaborating with bee keepers across the country, the project is set ...

  • The Soil Story by Kiss The Ground

    The Soil Story, created by Kiss the Ground, is a five-minute film that shares the importance of healthy soil for a healthy planet.
    Science meets inspiration in this tale of nature’s best hidden innovation: soil.
    Learn how we can “sequester” (store) carbon from our atmosphere, where it is harmful...

  • Stories of Regeneration: Mollie Engelhart

    In this mini-documentary, we delve into the inspiring journey of Mollie Engelhart, a regenerative farmer at Sow A Heart Farm in Fillmore, CA. Mollie's story is Against all odds, she overcame challenges on a seemingly inhospitable land, showcasing resilience and determination. Through innovative a...

  • A Guardian

    What is the collective noun for a group of drones? A flock? A watch? A sentinel? A guardian as it turns out.
    ‘A Guardian’ is a glorious drone-shot film for charity Over & Above Africa, using collective nouns to romance the beauty of animal groups across Africa.
    But at the same time highlighting...

  • Ecoflix Podcast with Captain Pete Bethune

    Captain Peter James Bethune is a New Zealand ship's captain with 500 ton master licence, published author, producer, and public speaker. Pete Bethune takes conservation to the extreme.
    As the founder of Earthrace Conservation, Pete is a world record holder, circling the globe four times on his po...

  • Story of Esake

    This is the rescue and rehabilitation story of orphaned bonobo Esake. Esake was rescued by Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary when she was 3 years old.
    From our NGO partners https://www.bonobos.org

  • Flying Barn Doors

    In a world where our climate hangs in the balance, can we learn to co-exist with predators once more?
    Flying Barn Doors examines our changing relationship with nature and wildlife through the story of the White Tailed Eagle in Scotland.
    Once revered among ancient cultures, the rise of agricultu...

  • Hope On The Hudson: Growing with the Grain

    Upstate New York used to be a breadbasket of grain growing. Westward expansion yielded more ideal climates for growing and production shifted to the midwest.
    Scientists, farmers, bakers and brewers take part in a grain trial test that hopes to produce a new generation of grain suited for the nor...

  • Ecoflix Podcast with Jon Bowermaster

    Writer, filmmaker and adventurer, Jon is a six-time grantee of the National Geographic Expeditions Council. One of the Society’s ‘Ocean Heroes,’ his first assignment for National Geographic Magazine was documenting a 3,741 mile crossing of Antarctica by dogsled.

    His National Geographic-sponsored...

  • Hope On The Hudson River Stories

    5 items

    ‘Hope on the Hudson’ is a series of short films focused on good news from our Hudson Valley in Upstate New York

  • Friends of Bonobos of the Congo

    An introduction to bonobos and the conservation mission of Friends of Bonobos of the Congo, an environmental nonprofit rooted in the belief that love heals and that through education and opportunity we can change the future for the better.
    Film by Leon Haberkorn, 2021 Winner of the Boden Internat...